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Structure and organization of the GRG Society

The Society has no permanent paid staff. The supreme body within the Society is its General Assembly, which all members may take part in. The General Assembly elects the three officers who form the Executive, the 24 members of the Committee, which additionally includes 4 representatives appointed by IUPAP, and the Auditors. One third of the Committee is elected at each election, and members represent geographical regions. The General Assembly has the ultimate authority. It meets every three years and there is provision for emergency meetings.

The General Assembly also elects a Nominating Committee whose job is to make sufficient nominations for the elections which (except those of Secretary and Auditor) must be contested. The Committee decides three years in advance which ``regions'' will be represented at the next elections, doing so in such a way as to obtain "a reasonable representation of geographical regions where the members of the Society reside."

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