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The President-Elect shall be elected for a term of service beginning with his or her election and terminating with the election of a new President-Elect at the next regular meeting of the General Assembly and is not eligible for re-election for either of the following three terms. The retiring President-Elect shall serve as President until the next regular General Assembly following his or her term of office as President, The President shall exercise all such powers as are not required by this Constitution to be exercised by the Committee or by the members in General Assemblies. Any actions on the President's part which affect either of these bodies must be approved at their subsequent meeting. The retiring President shall serve as Past-President until the next regular General Assembly following his or her term of office as Past-President. The President-Elect shall act for the President whenever the President requests so or is prevented from discharging his or her powers.
The Secretary is elected for a term of office coinciding with that of the President and is eligible for re-election. The Secretary's powers and duties shall be specified by resolution of the Committee subject to review by the General Assembly.
The President, the President-Elect, the Past-President and the Secretary constitute the Executive of the Committee and shall be the administrative board of the Society subject to the authority and discretion of the Committee and the members in General Assembly. The officers of the Society, or the executive, to the extent that it has acted as a unit, shall submit regular written reports to the Committee and to the General Assembly, and special written reports whenever warranted.
The Committee of the Society is composed of the President, the President-Elect, the Past-President, the Secretary, and 24 additional members of the Society. It is the successor in title of the pre-existing International Committee on GRG, whose name shall be assigned to this Committee. The normal term of office of the members of the committee shall be 9 years. One third of the 24 members of the Committee shall retire from office at each General Assembly, and a member so retiring shall not be eligible for re-election before the second General Assembly following the one at which he or she retired. Vacancies for other reasons shall be filled for the balance of the term of that office. Between Assemblies the Committee may fill such vacancies on an interim basis. There shall be a Nominating Committee of between six and ten members, whose composition shall reasonably reflect the geographical distribution of the Society. The President, the President-Elect, the Past-President and the Secretary are ex officio members of the Nominating Committee, however without the right to vote. This Nominating Committee shall nominate at least two candidates for the office of President-Elect, at least one candidate for the office of Secretary, and for each of the designated geographical regions one more nominee than there are vacant positions assigned. Every member shall have the right to cast as many votes in each such region as there are committee members to be elected from that region. It shall also nominate candidates for membership on the Nominating Committee one half of whose members are to be replaced each three years . Nominations made by the Nominating Committee shall be communicated to the members of the Society not later than the call for the General Assembly. Nominations for any office in the Society, including membership of the Committee, may also be made by members of the Society. Such nominations shall be endorsed by at least ten members of the Society who are citizens or residents of three or more different countries. Such nominations shall be sent to the Secretary not later than four months before the General Assembly; they shall be circulated by the Secretary to the membership at least three months before the General Assembly.
Candidates eligible for membership in the Committee shall be nominated
with a view to securing a reasonable representation of geographical
regions where the members of the Society reside. This distribution
is to be determined by the Committee.
All the powers in respect of which no specific authority is reserved in the
Constitution to any officer of the General Assembly is vested in the
Committee. The Committee shall have the power to appoint Sub-committees and to determine their respective functions. Between General Assemblies, the Committee is the official governing body of the Society. It is authorized to enter into relationships with international scientific organizations. The Committee may invite to its meetings delegates of any international organization as well as non-voting experts.
By-laws of the Society may be adopted, amended or rescinded by a majority of its members. They must be submited to the Membership together with the Agenda of the General Assembly. The members of the Committee may adopt, amend or rescind by-laws governing the Committee's operations. Motions affecting the Committee's by-laws shall be voted at a meeting of the Committee following the one at which the motion was made.
The Committee may appoint the Editor or Director of publications with the powers to enter into contractual relationship and sign an agreement with a suitable publisher of the Journal. The term of office of the Editor is unlimited but he or she shall resign within six months or within the time allotted for the abrogation of his or her contract with the publisher, whichever is the greater, following receipt of the Committee's demand to this effect. Upon vacation of the office of the Editor the successor or the Committee are free to enter into negotiations with other possible publishers of the Journal of the Society.
The power to bind the Society is vested in the President, President-Elect, the Past-President and the Secretary, two of whom shall sign jointly. The Committee may delegate this power to sign on behalf of the Society to an officer, who shall have the power to bind the Society by a sole signature within the field of his or her authority. |
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