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Fellows of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation

Selected in 2010

Prof. Alessandra Buonanno
University of Maryland, USA
Citation: For leading advances in the theory of general relativistic two-body dynamics and the production and detection of gravitational waves.

Dr. Alejandro Corichi
UNAM-Morella, Mexico
Citation: For his significant contributions to loop quantum gravity and his leadership in numerous initiatives for the international gravity community.

Prof. Gabriela Gonzalez
Louisiana State University, USA
Citation: For her outstanding contributions to the gravitational wave science and leadership in the LIGO Collaboration.

Prof. James Hough
University of Glasgow, U.K.
Citation: For outstanding contributions in gravitational wave detection.

Prof. Donald Marolf
University of California / Santa Barbara, USA
Citation: For a broad range of insightful contributions to quantum gravity and quantum field theory in curved spacetime.

Prof. Sir Roger Penrose
Oxford University, U.K.
Citation: For his pioneering contributions to our understanding of global issues in general relativity which form many of the foundations of the modern era of gravitational physics.

Prof. Frans Pretorius
Princeton University, USA
Citation: For his seminal contributions to numerical relativity which have transformed the subject.

Dr. Carlo Rovelli
University of Marseilles, France
Citation: For leading contributions to the field of quantum gravity, including loop quantum gravity and spin foam models, and also for leadership in creating a vibrant quantum gravity community in France.

Dr. Madhavan Varadarajan
Raman Research Institute, India
Citation: For his numerous insightful contributions to conceptually difficult and deep problems in classical and quantum gravity.

Prof. David Wands
University of Portsmouth, U.K.
Citation: For his seminal contributions to theoretical cosmology, particularly in the areas of cosmological perturbation theory.

Selected in 2013

Prof. Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat
Academie des Sciences, France
Citation: For her proof of the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for Einstein's field equations, for her contributions to the mathematical study of Einstein's theory, and for service to the Society.

Dr. Nathalie Deruelle
CNRS - Universite Paris 7, France
Citation: For her contributions to the two-body problem in general relativity and to relativistic cosmology.

Prof. George F. R. Ellis
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Citation: For his contributions to the theory of the large-scale structure of spacetime and to relativistic cosmology, and for service to the Society.

Prof. Eanna E. Flanagan
Cornell University, USA
Citation: For his contributions to gravitational physics, ranging from the physics of gravitational waves and their detection, to the astrophysics of neutron stars, and to cosmology and quantum gravity.

Prof. Stefan Hollands
Cardiff University, U.K.
Citation: For his contributions to a broad range of fundamental issues in classical general relativity and quantum field theory in curved spacetime.

Prof. Werner Israel
University of Victoria, Canada
Citation: For his contributions to the theory of the exteriors and interiors of black holes, and to relativistic thermodynamics, and for service to the Society.

Prof. Balasubramanian R. Iyer
Raman Research Institute, India
Citation: For his work in applying the post-Minkowskian and post-Newtonian approximations to the problem of compact binary systems, and for his leadership of the gravitational-wave community of India.

Prof. Luis Lehner
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Canada
Citation: For his contributions to computational gravitational physics, most notably in the areas of compact systems and their gravitational and electromagnetic signals, as well as gravity in higher dimensions.

Prof. Ezra T. Newman
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Citation: For his contributions to general relativity, including the Newman-Penrose formalism, the Kerr-Newman solution, and the asymptotic structure of spacetime, and for service to the Society.

Prof. Peter R. Saulson
Syracuse University, USA
Citation: For his contributions to understanding sources of noise in laser interferometric gravitational-wave detectors, and for his leadership in the detector collaborations.

Prof. Bernard F. Schutz
Albert Einstein Institute, Germany
Citation: For his work on instabilities in rotating relativistic stars, on measuring cosmological parameters using gravitational-wave observations; for his leadership in developing gravitational-wave observatories on the ground and in space, and for his innovations in physics publishing.

Dr. Masaru Shibata
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Japan
Citation: For his contributions to the field of numerical relativity, including formulations of the field equations amenable to stable numerical evolution, the astrophysics of binary neutron star and black hole-neutron star mergers, and applications to higher dimensional gravity.

Prof. Tarun Souradeep
Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, India
Citation: For his contributions to the forefront of contemporary cosmology and his leadership in developing gravitational wave astronomy in India.

Prof. Takahiro Tanaka
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Japan
Citation: For his contributions to theoretical cosmology, gravitational waves and the study of higher-dimensional spacetimes.

Prof. Robert M. Wald
University of Chicago, USA
Citation: For his contributions to quantum field theory in curved spacetime, to equations of motion of finite-mass bodies, and for service to the Society.

Selected in 2016

Prof. Abhay V. Ashtekar
Pennsylvania State University, USA
Citation: For his major contributions to classical and quantum gravity, and for his leadership and service within the US and international relativity community.

Prof. James B. Hartle
University of California / Santa Barbara, USA
Citation: For seminal contributions to relativistic astrophysics, the theory of black holes, quantum fields in curved space, quantum cosmology, and other aspects of gravitational physics.

Prof. Stephen W. Hawking
University of Cambridge, U.K.
Citation: For outstanding achievements in many areas of general relativity and gravitation, particularly singularity theorems, black hole thermodynamics, Hawking radiation from black holes, and quantum cosmology.

Prof. Marc Kamionkowski
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Citation: For his contributions to contemporary cosmology and general relativity, particularly the development of the theoretical foundation for the detection of relic gravitational waves from inflation in the Cosmic Microwave Background polarization.

Prof. Jerzy Lewandowski
University of Warsaw, Poland
Citation: For his significant contributions to the understanding and methodology of loop quantum gravity, and for his service within the Polish and international relativity community.

Prof. Nergis Mavalvala
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Citation: For her innovative contributions to the development of squeezed quantum states of light and classical opto-mechanics techniques, and their application to the quantum enhancement of km-scale interferometers for the detection of gravitational waves.

Prof. Jorge Pullin
Louisiana State University, USA
Citation: For his outstanding contributions to loop quantum gravity, black hole binaries, and the foundations of quantum mechanics, and for his service within the US and international relativity community.

Prof. Norna A. Robertson
California Institute of Technology, USA and University of Glasgow, U.K.
Citation: For her pioneering contributions to the development of interferometric gravitational wave detection especially in the areas of laser stabilization, test-mass suspension systems, and test-mass charging.

Prof. Kip S. Thorne
California Institute of Technology, USA
Citation: For his wide-ranging achievements in gravitational physics, including foundational contributions to our understanding of black holes and gravitational waves, and for his essential role in the development of gravitational wave astronomy.

Prof. Clifford M. Will
University of Florida and Washington University, USA
Citation: For his numerous significant contributions to gravitational physics, particularly the development of the Parametrized Post-Newtonian framework, for his efforts to educate the public, and for his leadership and service within the US and international relativity community.

Selected in 2019

Prof. Emanuele Berti
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Citation: For important contributions to the theory of perturbations of black holes, to the interface between post-Newtonian theory and numerical relativity, and to the use of gravitational-wave observations to test theories of gravity and yield astrophysical information.

Prof. Jiří Bičák
Charles University, Czech Republic
Citation: For his wide-ranging contributions to mathematical general relativity, outstanding service to the international gravitational community, and his leadership in nurturing research in this field in the Czech Republic for the last five decades.

Dr. Luc Blanchet
CNRS, France
Citation: For pioneering work developing the post-Minkowskian approximation to general relativity to enable the analysis of motion and gravitational radiation of compact binary systems to high post-Newtonian order, thus providing key tools for gravitational-wave detection.

Prof. Rong-Gen Cai
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Citation: For his contribution to the physics of black holes in AdS space and to understand the origin of gravity and its relation with thermodynamics.

Prof. Manuela Campanelli
Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Citation: For her contributions to the solution of the binary black hole problem and the studies of highly magnetized matter around them.

Prof. Veronika Hubeny
University of California / Davis, USA
Citation: For fundamental contributions to anti-de Sitter gravity and gauge/gravity duality.

Prof. Renate Loll
Radboud University, The Netherlands
Citation: For her deep insights into nonperturbative quantum gravity and into the quantum structure of spacetime.

Prof. Roy Maartens
University of the Western Cape, South Africa, and University of Portsmouth, U.K.
Citation: For contributions to the study of relativistic cosmology, and for his leadership and service within the relativity community in the UK and in South Africa.

Prof. B.S. Sathyaprakash
Pennsylvania State University, USA and Cardiff University, U.K.
Citation: For his wide-ranging contributions to all aspects of theoretical investigations of gravitational waves, outstanding service to the international gravitational community, and for his leadership in shaping the future of the field through third-generation detectors both in Europe and the US.

Selected in 2022

Prof. Beverly Berger
Stanford University, USA
Citation: For inspiratonal stewardship of the wordlwide gravity community and important contributions to gravitational-wave physics.

Prof. Robert Caldwell
Dartmouth College, USA
Citation: For seminal contributions to cosmology and the understanding of dark energy.

Prof. Roberto Emparan
ICREA & Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the understanding of black holes in higher dimensions.

Prof. John Friedman
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA
Citation: For fundamental contributions to the theory of the relativistic structure and the stability of rotating neutron stars.

Prof. Malcolm Maccallum
Queen Mary College London, U.K.
Citation: For seminal contributions to classical general relativity and tireless work to develop the international gravity community

Prof. Mukund Rangamani
University of California / Davis, USA
Citation: For groundbreaking contributions to the gauge-gravity duality, especially the fluid-gravity correspondence.

Prof. Harvey Reall
University of Cambridge, U.K.
Citation: For seminal contributions to the understanding of higher-dimensional black holes and the development of novel techniques to test stability.

Prof. Luciano Rezzolla
Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany
Citation: For leading contributions to the development of robust numerical relativity simulations of astrophysical phenomena.

Prof. Sheila Rowan
University of Glasgow, Scotland
Citation: For foundational developments to improve the sensitivity of gravitational-wave detectors and leadership of the wider scientific community.

Prof. Susan Scott
Australian National University, Australia
Citation: For groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of the singularities and the global structure of spacetime.

Prof. Matt Visser
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Citation: For pioneering research on Lorentzian wormholes and analogue graviy, and highly influential contributions to black-hole physics.

Selected in 2025

Prof. Nils Andersson
University of Southampton, U.K.
Citation: For important contributions to the structure and dynamics of black holes and neutron stars, including pioneering work on the r-mode instability and on neutron star asteroseismology.

Prof. Mihalis Dafermos
Princeton University, USA and University of Cambridge, U.K.
Citation: For extensive and outstanding work on the linear and nonlinear stability of black holes and their interiors.

Prof. Thibault Damour
IHES, France
Citation: For his outstanding achievements and seminal contributions to many areas of general relativity and gravitation, including scalar-tensor theories and, particularly, the 2-body problem.

Prof. Gary Horowitz
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Citation: For profound contributions to the general theory of relativity, as well as transformational applications to string theory, condensed matter theory and black holes.

Prof. Ted Jacobson
University of Maryland, USA
Citation: For establishing foundational connections between gravity and thermodynamics, showing that the Einstein field equations can be derived from thermodynamic considerations.

Prof. Vicky Kalogera
Northwestern University, USA
Citation: For playing a leading role in the astrophysical interpretation of gravitational wave events produced by the merger of black holes and neutron stars.

Prof. Konstantinos Kokkotas
University of Tubingen, Germany
Citation: For his fundamental contributions to our understanding of the perturbative response of black holes and for the development of a series of techniques aimed at extracting physical information from radiating compact stars.

Prof. Eric Poisson
University of Guelph, Canada
Citation: For seminal contributions to black hole perturbation theory, the problem of radiation reaction in binary systems, and the relativistic theory of tidal interactions.

Prof. Misao Sasaki
University of Tokyo and University of Kyoto, Japan
Citation: For numerous contributions to broad areas in general relativity, including black hole perturbation theory, equations of motion of finite mass bodies, cosmological perturbation theory, and inflationary cosmology.

Prof. Andrew Strominger
Harvard University,USA
Citation: For numerous fundamental contributions to quantum gravity, including counting the microstates of a black hole.

Prof. Saul Teukosky
Cornell University and Caltech, USA
Citation: For his groundbreaking work on the theory of black holes---particularly, the derivation of the Teukolsky equation---and for his major contributions to numerical relativity.

Prof. Rainer Weiss
Citation: For his visionary and continuous work on the development of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) and the community around it, leading to the detection of gravitational waves.

Prof. Nicolas Yunes
University of Illinois, USA
Citation: For the groundbreaking discovery of universal properties of neutron stars and for influential work on testing modified gravity theories using gravitational waves.

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