GRG Society Activities
The triennial GRn conferences are organized by the Society. For
information on past meetings see the History link. The next, GR24, will
be held in Glasgow, Scotland in July 2025. Those contemplating bidding
to host the following meeting, in 2028, may find it useful to read the
Advice for those considering bids.
- Journals Two journals are published by Springer under the aegis of the Society: General
Relativity and Gravitation and Living Reviews in Relativity.

- The public
'Hyperspace' service is sponsored by
the Society. It carries information for those in the field,
distributed by email, WWW and FTP.
- Policy issues. The Society acts as the voice of the GRG
community in international
science policy, through its role with IUPAP as an Affilated
Commission. In particular it acts as the sponsor, within IUPAP, for
the Marcel Grossmann and Edoardo Amaldi series of conferences, as well
as its own meetings.
- Prizes. The society has instituted a new, annual, prize, the IUPAP General Relativity and Gravitation Early Career Scientist Prize, offered for the first time in 2013. Nominations for the 2023 IUPAP GRG Prize are due 1 February 2023. At each GRn conference
it makes a number of James B. Hartle Awards for student presentations and Chandrasekhar Awards for postdoc presentations. In 2010, it instituted the Jürgen Ehlers thesis prize for classical general relativity and the Bergmann-Wheeler thesis prize for quantum gravity. It
assists the Gravity Research
Foundation by publicizing its Gravity Research Essay Prizes, whose
winning entries appear in the Society's journal, and assists GWIC by holding the funds for
GWIC's thesis prize. The Society has coordinated the award of the triennial
Xanthopoulos Prize for research in the
field, funded by the Foundation for
Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH). Regretfully, the Xanthopoulos Prize was not awarded at GR20 and has been discontinued until further notice.
- Fellowships. The International Society for General Relativity and Gravitation instituted Fellowships in 2010 to recognize the outstanding contributions of its members. Here is the current list of fellows. Details of the criteria and how to nominate may be found
on this webpage. Fellows may be nominated in the year prior to a GRn meeting. Fellows are inducted during the ISGRG General Assembly held during the meeting.