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Dues Discounts for Non-Student Members of National GRG Societies


took place March 5, 2025

Video of presentation here

Emanuele Berti's slides from the presentation here

Stu Shapiro's slides from the presentation here

Saul Teukolsky's slides from the presentation here


took place June 12, 2024

Video of presentation here

David Garfinkle's slides from the presentation here

(Bob Wald's presentation did not have any slides)


took place January 24, 2024

Video of presentation here

Lydia Bieri's slides from the presentation here

Thibault Damour's slides from the presentation here

Sergiu Klainerman's slides from the presentation here

50 years of Hawking and Ellis

took place October 18, 2023

Video of presentation here

50 years of MTW

took place May 3, 2023

Video of presentation here

David Kaiser's slides from the presentation here

Kip Thorne's slides from the presentation here

50 years of the GRG society

Talks from 50 years of the GRG society posted here

And here

ISGRG congratulates Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, and Andrea Ghez on their 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics!

ISGRG congratulates Rainer Weiss, Kip Thorne, and Barry Barish on their 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics!

Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger

GR23 website

GR22/Amaldi13 website

GR21 website

GR100 Events around the World

The Society

The International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation, ISGRG, is an international learned society. It acts as Affiliated Commission 2 (AC.2) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP).

The Society's purposes are ``to promote the study of GRG and to exchange information in the interest of its members and the profession''. It pursues these aims in several ways: it organizes a triennial conference, publishes a journal "General Relativity and Gravitation," sponsors a bulletin and website service, Hyperspace, and represents its research community in international science politics through IUPAP, acting as its responsible commission for other relevant conferences. See under Activities.

The Society was formed in 1971, as the successor to the International Committee on General Relativity and Gravitation: for more information see under History. Its constitution and current structure are posted on this web site under Organization.

Members are offered reduced registration fees for the major conferences organized by the Society, reduced rate subscriptions to the Society's journal, and discount book offers. They are able to take part in international science policy-making and in the Society's representation of our community on issues of national and international policy, ranging from the treatment of individual scientists by their governments to the funding of international space missions. Membership is open to "All technically competent scientists who have an interest in GRG." Full information on benefits, eligibility and how to join are given under Membership and Dues.

Within IUPAP the GRG Society is one of the participants in its Working Group called the Gravitational Wave International Committee (GWIC). Other related bodies, including national and regional GRG societies are listed under Related organizations.

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